Flat fee based Conference calling – we got it!
Whenever there’s a need for client meetings, sales presentations, project meetings and updates, regular team meetings, training classes and communication to employees who work in different locations, there is no need to travel anymore. Save time, costs and get to the point directly!
Normally, conference calling is expensive. Per minute rates of 20 cents per minute / per attendee is pretty common and often you will need to call into an expensive premium rate number.
We changed this forever.
Tell me, how does XeloQ do this?
At XeloQ we like to keep things simple. This is how we do conference calling::
- Every customers gets it’s own (Dutch) 085 number (local rate)
(this number is worldwide reachable; no boundaries / no limits / normal charges)
- You can call into this ‘Conference Room’ with a maximum of 10 people
- You will hear a welcome message and a request to enter your PIN code
- Each attendee punches in the secured PIN code
- From this moment on you’re attending the conference call
- You can leave the conference call at any time by just hanging up
What are your flatfee rates for this?
- Monthly costs: € 5,- per attendee with a maximum of 4 attendees.
(calling with 3 people will just cost you € 15,- per month) - Monthly costs: € 25,- for a maximum of 10 attendees
(this is cheaper when you call with more than 5 people) - The mentioned amount gives you the ability to make unlimited conference calls during the entire month on a 24/7 base.
- Payment will be done on a prepaid base. No money = no conference calls
The price is based on calling into a Dutch 085 number. This can be reached perfectly using a SIP account on our VoIP system and you only pay like 1,5 cent per minute to call into that Dutch number. So not really a show stopper is it? If you really want a local number in your own country that is possible but such a number is not free and usually comes with only 2 channels. Send an email to sales@XeloQ.com to ask for this. However, we suggest you to use the Dutch 085 number and sign up for a XeloQ SIP account to call to the conference room cheap.
Terms & ordering of your personal Conference Room
- Request of the conference room strictly using the form below
- Mention the numbers of attendees (could change monthly if that occurs)
- Before send the form your account should hold the appropriate prepaid funds; pay us using iDeal or PayPal.
- Payment for the conference room will be done by recurring fee on the 1st of each new month
- If the recurring fee let you balance drop below 0 you can not call in to the conference room. Then, just pay again form your accoun using iDeal or PayPal
- During sign up you agree to all terms & conditions for the use of the conference room. After we received the form we will get back to you and setup the conference room when payment has been settled.
Thank you.
Team XeloQ IQ-Telephony