Hosted VoIP is nothing new; it is here for several years and also XeloQ Communications delivers Hosted VoIP / Hosted PBX for 1,5 year now.
But is not always suitable for each and every company. There are limitations in bandwidth of your Internet connection, the maximum number of extensions in ‘real-life’, fallback and failover and something called ’emotion’.
Not every company wants his or her Telephone Exchange hosted in ‘some datacenter’ (although it is a complete secured and backed up environment).
It is basically the same idea of hosting your email and administration / documents. That is just not suited for some companies as well.
For those groups of companies, XeloQ delivers the so called Onsite IP PBX. It runs in your own office and you control the dice.
What is your choice? A Hosted PBX or an IP PBX onsite? And why?
Tell us. We would like to hear from you!
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Kind regards,
Sales Team XeloQ Communications