All #Android geeks using the XeloQ #VoIP system: a nice FREE Bandwidth Calculator to see if VoIP can work for you #SIP #Asterisk

Free VoIP Bandwidth Calculator for Android smartphones.

This app is for IT Professionals and will calculate the amount of bandwidth VOIP (voice over IP) calls using various codec’s need.

You can specify the sample size for each packet and the number of simultaneous calls. If you give it your max bandwidth for a span, it can tell you the maximum number of calls it can handle.

And that of course is very helpful when you’re wondering if the 3G or UMTS connection can handle the VoIP call you intend to make!

Get it for FREE now at or point your Barcode Scanner to this QR Tag:

VoIP Calculator for Android:

Give us some feedback when you use it. We like that! Thanks in advance.

>>> And another thing: of course you would like to use our VoIP accounts using CSipSimple for instance….right?

Well….again get your Barcode Scanner and scan this QR Tag to get you directly to the:

XeloQ Mobile VoIP page:

Or check out this link when you are on a PC:

Take care.
Team XeloQ Communications

3 gedachten over “All #Android geeks using the XeloQ #VoIP system: a nice FREE Bandwidth Calculator to see if VoIP can work for you #SIP #Asterisk

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    “All #Android geeks using the XeloQ #VoIP system: a nice
    FREE Bandwidth Calculator to see if VoIP can work for you #SIP #Asterisk
    « XeloQ Communications’ VoIP Blog” was indeed quite entertaining and helpful! Within modern society honestly, that is very difficult to accomplish. Thx, Austin

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